

情報センター » マチュピチュ » 入場券を購入する
Last update: 2021 7月 18


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What documents do I have to supply?

For every purchase, every visitor must supply his/her full name, nationality, date of birth and identity document number. If the visitor benefits from a special price, he/she must show the original written proof the day of the visit.

Identity document required to purchase:

Written proof required to benefit from a discount:

Why do I need to provide my document number?

The document number is requiered, in general, in Peru for ID purposes (airplane, hotel, ID checking, etc.). It is not risky at all to provide this number, it's a personal information but it is not confidential. The same document will be asked when entering Machu Picchu to avoid Identity theft.

What guarantees do I have?

Buying on the Internet causes distrust to some people and we are aware of this. That is why we make an effort to clarify as much as possible our prices, conditions, etc. In a word, everything you are entitled to expect. Our position in the market for many years and your feedback are our best advertisement. We have an agency in Cusco open to the public and our online payment is made through a secure website (which guarantees the confidentiality of your information) and a digital certificate (which guarantees that we really are who we pretend to be).

How is the transaction carried out?

Once you enter your card information, your card is verified through a complex procedure (valid card, not stolen, with enough credit balance, etc.). This procedure is made by your credit card's bank. Only they are able to validate the transaction. Our server sends this information encrypted to a payment gateway and then they tell us if the card is accepted or not.

Is the information I provide transmitted / confidential?

Our online payment system is secure and all transactions are encrypted. Information regarding your payment (card number, etc) is only used during the transaction and they are not kept on our servers. If the payment is accepted, we won't need that information any more. Other information, such as your name, nationality, etc, is used to buy the entrance tickets. The personal information is stored encrypted in our servers until the day if the visit and then permanently deleted. Except for the essential information provided to Peruvian authorities, we do not give away or sell this information. You will never receive any advertising, special offer or proposal from us.

When can I purchase?

Any time, within a minimum period of a few days and depending on available spaces. The archaeological site is open every day all year round but, because of the affluence of visitors during the high season from June to September, we recommend you to purchase your tickets as soon as possible in order to assure spaces.Since July 15, 2011 and by a ministry resolution, the entrance to Machu Picchu and the optional sites is limited.

What happens after I purchase?

The online reservation is very fast and the payment acceptance only takes a few seconds. Once we receive your reservation request, we send you a confirmation email; you can then see any time the details of your reservation through the page Purchase follow-up. We purchase then your entrance tickets to Machu Picchu. The period to get your tickets vary because we process the requests by priority (administrative and technical prcedures to purchase the tickets are complicated). As soon as your tickets are ready, you receive then a confirmation email. You can then print the tickets that you will present when entering Machu Picchu the day of the visit.

Once my purchase has been made, can I make changes?

No, no changes can be made after the tickets are purchased. That is why it is important to check the information entered in the purchase forms.

Are there discounts?

The only possible discounts are the ones applied by the Government who manages the entrances and fees. That is why our Agency offers discounts for Peruvians (with National ID), residents in Peru (with CE) and people from the Andean Community of Nations (Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador), and for 8 to 17 years old children (with copy of the document). None other discount can be applied, such as for tourism and travel professionals, groups, elder or handicapped people, veterans, ...

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